White House blocks NASA Scientist's Findings on Global Warming

On March 19, 2006, 60 Minutes Reported: The President's Office on Environment actually re-wrote Dr. James E. Hansen, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA's top Atmospheric Scientist's report on Global Warming before Congress got to view it. The President didn;t think we could handle the truth. Our automobiles and coal powerplants are destroying life on earth. The news: We are in bigger trouble than we thought with Global Warming. It may be irreversible at this point.
Cooney, the former oil industry lobbyist, became chief-of-staff at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Piltz says Cooney edited climate reports in his own hand. In one report, a line that said earth is undergoing rapid change becomes “may be undergoing change.” “Uncertainty” becomes “significant remaining uncertainty.” One line that says energy production contributes to warming was just crossed out. 60 Minutes Reported that Cooney resigned at the White House to work for Exxon Mobil, the same oil company that paid for false studies against the Global Warming theory. Mother Jones Exposed all of this:
See 60 Minutes story here:
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