Sponsor David Sereda to fly in space and search the invisible UV and Infrared for UFOs.

Civillian Astronaut Gregg Olsen wants to photograph the Invisible Infra-red in Space, but why?
This is what NASA scientist Joe Nuth, II told Sereda after his long investigation into NASA UFOs, “If you get enough signatures from the American public, you just might end up on the space shuttle to make observations.” But if a billionaire wants to fund his trip, he would welcome it.
David Sereda’s film, “Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs” built a powerful case for UFOs appearing in the invisible near Ultraviolet and Infrared. He proved that NASA’s space shuttle video cameras were equipped with special sensors that allowed them to see these invisible wavelengths. And that is where a wealth of UFOs were captured on NASA video. www.UFONASA.com
But now a new space pioneer wants to see what is in the invisible. He is going to launch into space tonight in Russia and join astronauts on the ISS.
Gregg Olsen was sponsored by SpaceAdventures.com for $20 million to be the next civilian to reach space. But why was he so passionate to go onto space? Slated to launch into flight tonight in Russia, Gregg Olsen, “I had three reasons, one was just the joy of being in space, weightlessness and so on, uh, I still hope to bring my infrared camera on board, and three is to share the experience with kids. “
In his bio at Sensorsinc.com, he writes: “This cutting edge camera technology is revolutionizing detection capabilities and providing reliable, high performance products used for a variety of critical military, national security, telecommunications and industrial applications such as covert surveillance, machine vision, night vision, health and safety protocols, historical art inspection and many others. “
But why would Olsen want to go into space to look in the Infra-red (Invisible to humans) unless he was looking for something there, in that range? Could he be looking for UFOs?
Sereda contacted Space Adventures today and was told his message would be forwarded to Olsen before his launch; to also include photographing the invisible near UV with video cameras. That is where the UFOs are he told Olsen in an e-mail today.
Very cool! Much thanks for the great pix and thoughts.
That one shot is identical to a Dropa Stone.
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