Face to Face with Jesus Christ

In 1994, at the darkest hour of my life, homeless, after the loss of my Eco-Veture capital company and having my tree planting earnings for the year scooped by the Tax Man, after planting 1 million trees over my lifetime, living in a tent in California, flooded in a severe rain storm, Jesus Christ appeared to me in a light 1,000 times brighter than our sun, and with a Glory of Innocence, Love, Ecstasy, Peace, Power, beauty, Wisdom and Grace even brighter. I fell to my face, unable to stand in the most awesome power in the Universe. I could see in one second that Jesus is God in the Highest. He was not a prophet as the Muslims, say, not a false prophet as many Jews say, but truly the Son of God, but God in the Highest disguised as a man, who merely appeared to be the son, but that the Father-Mother was hidden in him for those who could bear the sight of it.
Jesus began to speak to me and took me on the most amazing discourse and journey of my life. I saw Hell, Purgatory and the multi level Heavens. In this book, people can learn what he told me, and also there are 2 more meetings with him, and one with Mary.
This is a true story of a struggling environmentalist and spiritual seeker who, in the darkest hour of his life, encounters Jesus Christ. He describes three face-to-face meetings with Jesus, a journey through the spiritual heavens, and an encounter with Mary, the mother of Christ. In this book, David Sereda delivers the Lord's message to humankind as it moves into the new millennium.
Face to Face with Jesus Christ unravels many hidden mysteries:
Who is Jesus Christ really?
What qualifies us to enter the Heavens and evolve into higher ones?
What is the meaning of judgment and how are our souls judged at the time of our death?
What are our numerous options for life in the universe after we have faced our own judgment?
Where is planet earth inside the spiritual universe and what caused us to be born here?
Did the Supreme Lord really create the human condition of pleasure and pain?
How does Jesus advise us and view the current condition of humankind?
How does Jesus view the condition of the entire Christian religion and the church on earth today?
What can we do to prepare our souls to meet Jesus Christ, Heaven's Light, an Angel or Saint?
What is the mystery of the promised "Second Coming" and what will it be like?
After I had to raise $18,000 to self publish this book at www.BlueDolphinPublishing.com, Paul Clemens, the owner, took the money, only used $1,000 to print digitally on demand, and has sold over 1,000 copies and never paid me back a dime. He stole $17,000 from myself and an investor.
First Books only charges $1,000 to do the same job and they give 60% to the author. I told Blue Dolphin Publishing to stop selling this book, and to cease and desists and return all materials, and he has not done so. He is a thief, and a former Christian Scholar at Notre Dame University.
You can see the book for sale at: http://www.bluedolphinpublishing.com/Face.htm It is also for sale at Amazon.com
Please protest and write to Paul Clemens and ask him to return my book, at: Clemens@netshel.net
David Sereda/Author
I can relate to your experience with the light you describe, as well as the dark heart of some men who consider themselves Christian.
God is NOT an Asshole
The word Christian is a guise for many to do business with greed. Jesus warns us of this in Revelation: that Satan hides in the image of Mary, his Mother, the Church.
For now, there is no way to buy the book so that I amy receive even my investment back. Paul Clemens stole that from me at Blue Dolphin Publishing. But I advise to read it until I can regain control of the book.
David Sereda
If I invested (with partners) actually $18,000 to set up and have a book avaiable for printing digitally on demand, then why does the same service cost $0 at www.Lulu.com? They even pay their royalties. I lost $18,000 and my investors are furious. Paul Clemens is a thief. He charged me thousands to design a simple cover that his graphic artists couldn't do. I designed the main art for the cover. Now that I know photoshop, I realize how easy it is to do this. It takes about an hour. What Jody does not mention is that I was charged $18,000 for services that should be free. They wanted to publish my book. Then they charged me for samples to send to various places at full cost. That is why they say I owe them another $300. This is a crime. I have also asked them to stop publishing my book. I will make it available at lulu.com. They have not answered me nor returned my discs and materials.
David Sereda
Stop Child Abuse since 1975 - 2000 from Donora, Pennsylvania to Portland and Eugene, Oregon by Paul M. McLaughlin. A handicapped man who had survived from severe childhood abuse.
Paul and his twin sister, Paula survived from 18 years of severe abuse while the older brother and sister was NOT abused.
Paul M. McLaughlin graduated from Donora high school at the age of 21--- SPECIAL EDUCATION and cheated on written test to enter the army because of the draft board.
In 1972, Paul received an honorable discharge at Fort Lewis, Washington and had moved to Portland, Oregon. A elderly woman discovered Paul and taught
him to read better, write and typing machine. In 1975 Paul finished written his book and could not get it published. Paul McLaughlin story and booklet
is in a TIME CAPSULE to be open for the year of 2047. (SEE WEB PAGES). http://www.efn.org/~scan
Since 1975 to 2000, Paul had traveled over 25,000 miles across the U.S. with his One Man Campaign on Child Abuse and had spoken of his childhood story on talk radio programs across the U.S., television commercial, non profit
fund raising for abused children and so much other works. Paul also met many well known people.
Paul and Paula were placed on top of a warm stove burner, tied up in the attic without wearing close and beaten with a belt or stick. LARGE SCAR are on Paul's face, scalp, body. Eat bars of soaps, enema treatments you not want
to hear about. Stand in snow without wearing shoes. Abused almost every day and about 4 times per day. NO HELP AND NOT ASKING FOR HELP. When did asked for help, got beating up more and more. At one month old and again at the age of 5, life almost ended.
Please see Paul's web page and his works of helping abused children just because he had suffered for over 18 years of abused.
Paul's incredible works as a HANDICAPPED and HIS WORKS IN A
Paul's twin sister Paula, passed away on August 27, 2007 from
McKeesport, Pennsylvania from having kidney stones since 1975.
Riley Ann Sawyers
Photo Page Of: PAULA---Butch---PAUL---Betty
Photos of Paul and his Family. Time Capsule for the year of 2047.
LEFT TO RIGHT---Paul's Brother and Sisters
PAULA - Butch - PAUL - Betty
"I Was Loved In The Midst Of Suffering"
Back Ground Music
Handicapped and Survivor of his works of helping abused children since 1975 to 2000 from Donora, Pennsylvania to Portland, Oregon.
Paul M. McLaughlin
Liz SEVEN McLaughlin
Stop Child Abuse NOW!
298 Hunington Ave.
Eugene, Oregon 97405-4055
Stop Child Abuse since 1975 from Donora, Pennsylvania to Portland and Eugene, Oregon by a handicapped man from severe childhood abuse.
Paul and his twin sister, Paula survived from 18 years of severe abuse while the older brother and sister was NOT abused.
Paul graduated from Donora high school at the age of 21--- SPECIAL
EDUCATION and cheated on written test to enter the army because
of the draft board.
In 1972, Paul received an honorable discharge at Fort Lewis, Washington and had moved to Portland, Oregon. A elderly woman discovered Paul and taught
him to read better, write and typing machine. In 1975 Paul finished written his book and could not get it published. Paul McLaughlin story and booklet
is in a TIME CAPSULE to be open for the year of 2047. (SEE WEB PAGES).
Since 1975 to 2001, Paul had traveled over 25,000 miles across the U.S. with his One Man Campaign on Child Abuse and had spoken of his childhood story on talk radio programs across the U.S., television commercial, non profit
fund raising for abused children and so much other works. Paul also met many well known people.
Paul and Paula were placed on top of a warm stove burner, tied up in the attic without wearing close and beaten with a belt or stick. LARGE SCAR are on Paul's face, scalp, body. Eat bars of soaps, enema treatments you not want
to hear about. Stand in snow without wearing shoes. Abused almost every day and about 4 times per day. NO HELP AND NOT ASKING FOR HELP. When did asked for help, got beating up more and more. At one month old and again at the age of 5, life almost ended.
Please see Paul's web page and his works of helping abused children just because he had suffered for over 18 years of abused.
Paul's incredible works as a HANDICAPPED and HIS WORKS IN A
Riley Ann Sawyers
Photo Page Of: PAULA---Butch---PAUL---Betty
Photos of Paul and his Family. Time Capsule for the year of 2047.
LEFT TO RIGHT---Paul's Brother and Sisters
PAULA - Butch - PAUL - Betty
"I Was Loved In The Midst Of Suffering"
Back Ground Music
Handicapped and Survivor of his works of helping abused children since 1975 to 2001 from Donora, Pennsylvania to Portland, Oregon.
Stop Child Abuse NOW!
298 Hunington Ave.
Eugene, Oregon 97405-4055
David, if you met with Jesus Christ, I don't think that he meant for you to profit from your encounter. Something as divine as you describe should be shared with the entire world. You should go on all the talk shows and carry the message given to you by our savior.
Your rewards in heaven will be alot greater than what you can gain here on earth. I guess you did not learn from your encounter.
You should go on all the talk shows and share your encounter with our savior with the world. I don't think your encounter with Jesus was for you to profit from it. I guess the experience did not make the impact that our lord had in mind.
What year is this Jesus Christ is suppose to return to earth. It's been over 2,000 years of not having
Jesus not returned on earth. Is this suppose to be a true event or a false event. Or do we see this Jesus/God upon death. It would be neat to hear from someone who knows or have knowledge of this event. I'm a handicapped and a slow learner from over 20 years of suffering and that does not include the military. I would like to hear from anyone on this topic. http://www.efn.org/~scan
Paul M. McLaughlin
Stop Child Abuse NOW! 1975-2000
298 Hunington Ave.
Eugene, Oregon 97405
INTERESTING ! --- YOU MEET CHRIST FACE TO FACE --- I on the other hand have the " mission " to VALIDATE that CHRIST gave us the necessary teachings in the bible TO ASCEND TO THE NEXT HIGHER SPIRITUAL LEVEL HE DESCRIBED IT AS THE KINGDOM OF GOD --- ( THAT LIES WITHIN EACH OF US )this knowledge has been right there in the BIBLE for 2000 years --- BUT SADLY, HAS NOT BEEN TAUGHT ---- Too much of the world HATES the TRUTH, David --- they have tried to kill me 5 times now --- BUT GOD has protected me because IT IS TIME FOR THE TRUTH TO BE REVEALED --- and yes --- I have had visits by ANGELS in human form with messages --- and many other interesting experiences as I continue to THREAD THE EYE OF THE SPIRITUAL NEEDLE
I need to add that the basic problem faced by Christians ( and their churches ) has been SELF - RIGHTOUSNESS ( I am right --- you are wrong ) In the SERMON on the mount, JESUS STATES THE SOLUTION ! " Seek ye FIRST, the KINGDOM OF GOD ( that HE latter explained LIES WITHIN US ) and HIS ( GODS ) RIGHTOUSNESS ----- WHY ? --- because in finding GODS RIGHTOUSNESS, HE helps you get rid of that HORRIBLE SELF - RIGHTOUSNESS ! --- It is easy to prove that the DENOMINATIONS / CHURCHES only teach about ONE HALF of CHRISTS COMMANDS / TEACHINGS ---- simply go thru the four Gospels and write down everything that HE said that sounds like a COMMAND --- or a teaching that must not be ignored--- You will quickly UNDERSTAND HOW the " Religous experts " have cleverly IGNORED HIS MOST IMPORTANT TEACHINGS --- and thus --- have become the " BLIND LEADING THE BLIND "
I have written / published as ESSAYS the 5 or 6 steps that CHRIST taught to FIND the KINGDOM OF GOD --- I think it is time for me to establish my own blogsite with this info on it --- WARNING --- everyones experience will be different --- as difficult as it may be to believe --- GOD will have a CUSTOM PROGRAM for each of the BILLIONS of people on this planet --- Because we are all part of the " HERD " --- it is difficult to grasp the basic problem we all face We are litteraly PRISONERS ---- PRISONERS of our own bodies filled with its own NEEDS and DESIRES --- But thru GODS help ( and that is exactly what it takes ) HE can help us ESCAPE and find TRUE FREEDOM and our REAL SELF --- the PERSON GOD INTENDED US TO BE WHEN we came here---- We are essentially SPIRITUAL BEINGS in human form that are faced with living as HUMANS ( on our temporary visit to planet earth )
Things are not as they appear to be David I c da devil name el to somebody in the face must be the man in the mirror mystical he man. Okay I'll clean the screen did you see me get to the Devil tell mama I work at amazon be amazing. And by the way david your frog come jesus christ I was18 1993 and I don't hang out with the devil so how toe
Demon 0 angeles 1
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